
Ours is the story of a magical world of dreams, of emotions, of gratifications and enthusiasm; but also of committed choices, costly sacrifice, and bold gambles (Goffredo Lombardo)

The National Cinema Museum is rendering tribute to Titanus, the most important Italian film company, and to Goffredo Lombardo, the producer of unforgettable masterpieces in the history of cinema. You may visit the display area within the Museum dedicated to this production company (in the section related to the Cinema Machine); by browsing this part of the website it will be possible to retrace its history, to learn about its protagonists and to view the valuable material preserved (screenplays, photographs, posters, sketches…) organised by film title.

The website will be expanded periodically with further material.

The project would not have been feasible without generous support on the part of Guido Lombardo, who has bequeathed precious exhibits from the Titanus archives to the Museum.